Pasta con Zucca e Speck

Courtesy of Loredana, who likes to call her dish "Vegetable Carbonara" :-)

Romana -- by way of Abruzzo and Toscana -- Loredana loves to create dishes from pure imagination, and would love to have more time to cook and always tries to make special dishes on the weekends when she has more time. Raised among parents who used a wood-fired oven to cook most of their meals, she tells me she would love to be able to do the same.  So, without further ado, her first recipe contribution (she assures me there will be many more, and she will even start to give her wine pairing recommendations, learned from many a tasting and class!). Because these come straight from the contributors, I like to leave them as written...

Ingredients for 2 people:

300 gr. pumpkin
150/200 gr. speck
1 egg
2 tbsp olive oil
1 onion
Parmesan or pecorino cheese (optional)
200 gr. casarecce (I prefer Garofalo's pasta)

How to....

Heat the olive oil in a pan with the cut onion and then fry until it is gold and cooked, then add the speck and continue cooking for 5 minutes (more or less) and then stop.
Beat the egg with some pepper.
Boil the pasta according to pack instructions, and according to your taste, I like pasta al dente, drain the pasta, put it in the pan together with the beaten egg and mix all together while the stove is on, only for a couple of minutes just to let the egg to cook or not to cook too much according to your personal taste. When ready, if you like, you can put some parmesan on it and....buon appetito!!!

Secret: when mixing everything in the pan, if the pasta is too dry, you can add some boiled water that you have kept apart before draining the pasta.

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